Thursday, May 21, 2015

Project Based Learning - Business Plan

The class completed another Project Based Learning activity on Friday - Business Plan

Before we began, I displayed the timeline of events to the class and explained the new vocabulary words - business, manufacture, product, and advertise.  The students referred to this chart often throughout the week as they would enter the classroom in the morning or pass by it during the day.  They felt very mature and intelligent knowing such big words.  I'd often hear them tell each other "Today we are going to manufacture our products, that means we are going to make them."  
(For an ELL teacher, large vocabulary in a perfect sentence is music to my ears!)

Day 1 - "Business Plan" - After each business team was formed, students brainstormed ideas of what products they would want to sell to their classmates. (some suggestions were a little out there - tables? :))

Once the products were chosen, they began to complete their "Business Plan."

Day 2 - Manufacture - Students gathered supplies and started to make their product.  It was a great activity for them to use their kind voices, polite words, and compromising skills - after all, no business could be successful if all did was tattle :)

Art Animals busy making their clay animals out of play-doe.

            The Flower Shop used pipe cleaners and paper to make flowers.

We had a group of very talented artists making pictures for the Fast N Furious Hip Hop art gallery.

Day 3 - Manufacture - At this point, each team was very independent and worked unbelievably well together.  Many groups were down to a routine and the production was moving very quickly.

The Bracelet Shop produced almost 30 bracelets to sell!

Party Rock Necklaces on the other hand were not moving as quickly.

The Party Rock store was very busy making paper cars. ("Party Rock" was the name of our neighborhood in a previous post, the name just seemed to stick around!)

 During the week, students were earning money through various ways.  If they had good behavior, nice hand writing, kind voices, a clean table, turned in their homework, ect.  they would earn anywhere from 1 cent to 10 cents.  They collected their money in their "wallet" that was taped to their table.

On the last day, we counted our money. Money is not a 1st grade standard, but I always like to throw it in when I can because it is vital in helping their score grow on the NWEA MAP assessment that we take.  They LOVED being able to collect their own money and feel like they truly earned it.  It was a bit challenging for some students to count mixed coins, but with a little guidance, they all got it in the end!

(oops, missed a few pennies there!)

 The students had to work together to line up in money order - largest amount earned to smallest amount earned.  Students had to pay me money when they did not have their shirts tucked in (school rule) and if they did not complete their homework, so the amounts varied tremendously!

The most money earned was $1.96 and the least was 1 cent... she was showing her "I'm sad because I earned the least amount of money" face.

Day 4 - Advertise - The businesses put their heads together to come up with a flashy sign to bring customers to their shop.

 Day 5 - Sell - The day we officially opened for business also happened to be Pajama Day at school!  Each team took turns shopping around and spending their hard earned moolah on their favorite items.

Party Rock - specializing in paper cars on sticks

 The Bracelet Shop - handmade bead and noodle bracelets

 Party Rock Necklaces - handmade bead and noodle necklaces

The Flower Shop - flowers made of paper, coffee filters, and pipe cleaners

Art Animals - handmade play-doe animals

Shopping til we drop!

 Alex is choosing the best flower for his mom.

 "Necklaces, necklaces for sale!"

"Hmmm... I wonder if I have enough money..."

All SOLD OUT at Party Rock Necklaces 

We invited Ms. McLean's kindergarten class in to come shopping.  Since some stores sold out of merchandise, they were given other items from the Mayor (me) to sell. :)

 The 1st graders did a great job of helping the kindergartners with their money.

Time to see how much money we earned!

This PBL was so much fun! We were able to incorporate a lot of different math skills and strategies.  The students learned that there is a lot that goes into making a successful business!

Free Business Plan worksheet!

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