This school year, everything feel perfectly into place in terms of timing! We were in the middle of our Core Knowledge Skills (CKLA) Unit 7 book "Kay and Martez" (which is about a family who goes on vacation to Mexico) at the same time as May 5th (Cinco de Mayo!!!!). To add to my new interest in PBL's, I googled around and found a great way for students to make homemade salsa.
I sent home a note to the parents looking for donations of the ingredients. Surprisingly, most of the parent's donations came straight from their own gardens (super delicious!).
I made this VERY student driven (other than cutting the vegetables, my knife was wayyyy too sharp for their tiny hands!) I basically sat back and was the photographer while the little chefs prepared their salsa.
We wrote down the ingredients and our step-by-step directions.
We wrote down the ingredients and our step-by-step directions.
First, wash the vegetables.
Next, cut the vegetables.
Then, mix all of the ingredients together.
*Each table created their own salsa mix together. They decided how much or how little of each ingredient to add.*
Last, eat and enjoy!
They LOVED the salsa - so much so, that they were still talking about it weeks later!
We took a class vote that day. There were a few students who were not a fan of the big tomatoes or the jalapenos.
At the very end, we graphed our results.
This activity was one of my absolute favorites this year. They kids did SUCH an amazing job and truly enjoyed their homemade HEALTHY salsa. It was an excellent learning experience for all of them to see the process of cooking and preparing food. Some students have never helped their parents prepare a meal and have very little experience with fresh vegetables. I know it will be a lesson that sticks with them for a long time! :)
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